Sunday, February 9Web Solutions in Rajkot

Front-end developer vs. Web designer

Most of people consider both front end developer and web designer same. But its not true. Both are saparate job and task. Designer focus on design while front end developer works on coding.

Still you confuse. Lets understand it. Lets say you want to develop site, then first task is design. So designer will create layout for then website or apps. So this task is consider as web design task for which we need exper website designer.

Now, after complete design, we need to conver design with dynamic code, and for that frontend developer will need. You dont confuse this with backend developer, because its a different task again. Later on we will discuss on this. Thus frontend developer need to work on then design which will be provided by web designer.

Website designer tools:

As a website designer they will use some tools and software like photoshop, Dreamweaver etc to create layout and html page

Frontend developer language:

While there are some language which will be use by frontend developer like;

  • React Js or Native
  • Javascript
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • Angular

Using above technology and language frontend developer will convert given design of designer into real word application.

I hope now you are clear about difference of website designer and frontend developer. We have highly qualified website designer and frontend developer. Kindly contact us if you are interested to develop your business website.